Friday 21 March 2014

The Princess Who Was Jealous

by Patricica Jane Gan, Grade 7

Once upon a time, there was a King and a Queen who lived in a palace. They had two beautiful princesses with different attitudes. One was evil, and the other was kind. One day, they were going to the shop. They met a king named Charles. The two sisters were staring at each other. Then Ursula ran to him acting as if she was kind. She was asking for his name, but then he walked away. The two sisters reached home, wondering when they will get married.

After many days the King and Queen looked for a suitor for Ursula because King Luke was old. Then, Queen Valery was thinking about Isabel. The king and queen visited many houses to look for a husband for their Princess Ursula. Princess Ursula and Princess Isabel went with their parents. They saw Prince Charles again. The evil princess went to him again, but then something happened. Instead of looking at Ursula, he saw Isabel. It was love at first sight. He went to her and asked what her name was. She said, "Isabel, what about you?" The Prince said "Charles" while looking into Isabel’s eyes. The King and Queen saw them.

The whole family went back to the palace. The King and Queen talked again and said, "We don’t need to find a suitor for Isabel. We just have to find one for Ursula." So Isabel and Charles often met in the palace. Ursula got jealous because Charles liked Isabel instead of her. One day when Charles visited Isabel, he saw Ursula and Isabel fighting. Ursula wanted to kill Isabel with a knife.

King Luke saw them fighting, so he had a heart attack and died.  Queen Valery said they needed a new king since King Luke died. Charles and Isabel wanted to get married soon. Queen Valery agreed, but then Ursula came and tried to kill Isabel. Again she almost stabbed her in the neck. Charles was smart and fast; he kicked Ursula in the knee and took the knife--Isabel was free. Ursula was then imprisoned. They talked to Ursula, and she realized that she was wrong in trying to harm her own sister.

King Charles and Queen Isabel got married and had one princess. They lived happily ever after

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